GPS Locator《用户协议及隐私政策》
第一部分 用户协议
一、 账户使用
1. 依据本协议规定,本产品将授予您以下不可转让的、非排他的许可.
1. 您不得对本产品进行任何形式的许可、出售、租赁、转让、发行或其他商业用途;
2. 除非法律禁止此类限制,否则您不得对本产品的任何部分或衍生产品进行修改、翻译、改编、合并、利用、分解、改造或反向编译、反向工程等;
3. 您不得以创建相同或竞争服务为目的使用本产品;
4. 除非法律明文规定,否则您不得对本产品的任何部分以任何形式或方法进行生产、复制、发行、出售、下载或显示等;
5. 您不得删除或破坏包含在本产品中的任何版权声明或其他所有权标记。
六、 用户内容
八、 您已经同意不在本产品从事下列行为:
1.修改;本协议容许变更。如果本协议有任何实质性变更,我们将通过电子邮件来通知您。变更通知之后,继续使用本产品则为您已知晓此类变更并同意条款约束;我们保留在任何时候无需通知而修改、保留或关闭本产品任何服务之权利; 您已同意我们无需因修改、保留或关闭本产品任何服务之权利; 您已同意我们无需因修改、保留或关闭本产品任何服务的行为对您或第三方承担责任。
2. 终止; 本协议自您接受之日起生效,在您使用本产品的过程中持续有效,直至依据本协议终止; 尽管有上述规定,如果您使用本产品的时间早于您接受本协议的时间,您在此知晓并同意本协议于您接受本协议的时间,您在此知晓并同意本协议于您第一次使用本产品时生效,除非依据本协议提前终止;我们可能会依据法律的规定,保留您使用本产品或者本账户的权利;无论是否通知,我们将在任何时间以任何原因终止本协议,包括出于善意的相信您违反了我们可接受使用政策或本协议的其他规定;不受前款规定所限,如果用户侵犯第三人的版权且我们接到版权所有人或版权所有人的合法代理人的通知后,我们保留终止本协议的权利;一旦本协议终止,您使用本产品的权利即告终止。您应当知晓您的产品终止意味着您的用户内容将从我们的活动数据库中删除。我们不因终止本协议对您承担任何责任,包括终止您的用户账户和删除您的用户内容。
第二部分 隐私政策
1. 欢迎您使用GPS Locator平台方和服务提供方(以下统称“我们”)提供的各项服务,这表示您信赖我们对您的信息的处理方式。我们深知这项责任事关重大,因此一直致力于保护您的信息,并共同制定了本《GPS Locator 隐私政策》(以下简称“本政策”)。在本政策中,“我们”指本《隐私政策》下对您的个人信息负责的深圳市苏钠米 物联科技有限公司。
2. 本政策适用于我们,即平台方和服务提供方提供的所有服务。在您使用GPS Locator服务的过程中,我们可能会以如下所述方式收集和使用您提供的或关于您的信息,本政策解释了我们对于该等信息的处理情况。
3. 在您使用GPS Locator服务前,请先仔细阅读、理解本政策。当您(继续)使用GPS Locator服务,基于提供产品和服务所必需,将视为您已阅读、理解并接受本政策的全部内容和认可我们按照本政策对您的相关信息进行处理。如果您不同意本政策中的任何内容,请立即停止使用或访问GPS Locator服务。
4. 在您进行注册认证,我们会收集手机号码。您有权拒绝向我们提供这些信息。请您了解,拒绝提供信息,将导致您无法完成注册认证。
5. 我们会将在境内运营过程中收集和产生的您的个人信息存储于中华人民共和国境内。我们仅会在为提供服务之目的所必需的期间内保留您的个人信息。
6. 目前,我们不会主动共享或转让您的个人信息至第三方,如存在其他共享或转让您的个人信息或您需要我们将您的个人信息共享或转让至第三方情形时,我们会直接或确认第三方征得您对上述行为的明示同意,此外,我们会就对外提供信息的行为进行风险评估。
7. 目前,我们不会主动从第三方获取您的个人信息。如未来为业务发展需要从第三方间接获取您的个人信息,我们会在获取前向您明示您个人信息的来源、类型及使用范围,如GPS Locator服务所需进行的个人信息处理活动超出您原本向第三方提供个人信息时的授权同意范围,我们将在处理您的该等个人信息前,征得您的明示同意;此外,我们也将会严格遵守相关法律法规的规定,并要求第三方保障其提供的信息的合法性。
8. 我们将努力采取合理的安全措施来保护您的个人信息。特别的,我们将采用行业内通行的方式及尽最大的商业努力来保护您个人敏感信息的安全。
9. 您可以通过本政策所列途径访问、更正、删除您的个人信息,也可以撤回同意、注销账号及投诉举报。
在您使用GPS Locator服务的过程中,我们将根据合法、正当、必要的原则,收集信息。我们收集或请您提供的信息将用于:
1.注册认证;当您注册、登录GPS Locator时,您可以通过手机号创建账号,我们将通过发送短信验证码来验证您的身份是否有效,收集这些信息是为了帮助您完成注册。
信息存储的地点;我们目前将所有的个人信息存储于中国境内。;在您使用GPS Locator服务期间,我们会持续保存您的个人信息,当您注销并申请删除您的个人信息后,我们将删除对应信息
1. 我们及关联公司采用合理安全措施(包括管理、技术和物理方面安全措施)来保护您提供的信息,防止信息遭到未经授权的访问、公开披露、使用、修改、破坏或丢失。
2. 我们建立专门的管理制度、流程和组织以保障信息的安全。例如,我们严格限制访问信息的人员范围,要求他们遵守保密义务,并进行审计。
3. 我们通过不断提升的技术手段加强安装在您设备端的软件的安全能力,以防止您的个人信息泄露。例如,我们会使用加密技术(例如,SSL)、去标识化化处理等手段来保护您的个人信息。
1. 随着GPS Locator服务的不断提升,本政策的内容也可能会不时更新,该等修订构成本隐私政策的一部分并具有等同于本隐私政策的效力。但未经您明确同意,我们不会削减您依据当前生效的本隐私政策所应享受的权利。
2. 本政策更新后,我们会在GPS Locator平台发出更新版本,并在更新后的条款生效前以适当的方式提醒您更新的内容,以便您及时了解本政策的最新版本。
3. 若您在我们公布变更后的本政策后继续使用GPS Locator服务,则表示您已充分阅读、理解并接受经该等修订后的本政策的全部内容,也将遵循该等内容使用本政策;若您不同意该等经修订后的本政策的任何内容,您即应该选择停止使用GPS Locator服务。
GPS Locator "User Agreement and Privacy Policy"
Updated: June 28
2019 Effective Date: November 4, 2019
Please read and understand the many rights and restrictions specified in the User Agreement and Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") before using this product.
We always respect and strictly protect the legitimate rights and interests of users (including user privacy, user data, etc.) when using this product without any infringement.
This Agreement is the ultimate, complete and exclusive basis for users (including "users" or "you" who obtain such products through various legal channels, hereinafter referred to as "Users" or "You") and us for matters related to this product. Agreement, and replace, prior to the merger, the parties discussed and agreed on the above matters.
This Agreement will be legally binding on the user's use of the Product and you have undertaken and warranted that you have the right and ability to enter into this Agreement. Your use of this product is deemed to have been accepted by this agreement. Please read and understand the terms and conditions of this agreement carefully, including exempting and restricting our disclaimers and restrictions on users' rights (minors should be accompanied by legal guardians when reviewing minors). ), if you are unable to accept all the terms of this agreement, please do not start using this product.
Part I User Agreement
1, account use
You must undertake and warrant that your use of this product must be lawful; this product will retain or terminate your account in accordance with the "Modification and Termination" provisions of this Agreement. You must be committed to keeping your login information confidential, not being used and used by others, and for all actions you perform under this account. You must notify the product of any non-authorized use or suspected unauthorized use of the product at the first time. This product is not legally liable for damages caused by your failure to comply with the above requirements.
2, licensing and rights
2.1. This product will grant you the following non-transferable, non-exclusive licenses in accordance with this Agreement.
2.2. The right to download, install, and use this product on all your network communication devices, computer devices, and mobile communication devices.
3, the restrictive clause
The authorization of this Agreement to you will be subject to the following restrictions:
3.1. You may not license, sell, lease, transfer, distribute or otherwise commercialize this product in any form;
3.2. Except as prohibited by law, You may not modify, translate, adapt, merge, exploit, disassemble, modify or reverse compile, reverse engineer, etc. any part or derivative of this product ;
3.3. You may not use the product for the purpose of creating the same or competitive services;
3.4. Except as expressly provided by law, You may not produce, copy, distribute, sell, download or display any part of this product in any form or by any means;
3.5. You may not remove or destroy any copyright notices or other proprietary marks contained in this product.
4, Version
Any updated or future versions, updates or other changes to this product will be governed by this Agreement.
5. Compliance with the law
You agree to abide by the "Contract Law of the People's Republic of China", the "Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China" and its implementation regulations, the "Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Safeguarding Internet Security" ("NPC Security Decision"), "The People's Republic of China Conservative" State Secrets Act, Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Telecommunications ("Telecommunication Regulations"), "Regulations on the Security Protection of Computer Information Systems of the People's Republic of China", "Interim Provisions on the Administration of International Network of Computer Information Networks of the People's Republic of China" and Implementation Measures, Computer Information System International Network Security Management Regulations, "Internet Information Service Management Measures", "Computer Information Network International Network Security Protection Management Measures", "Internet Electronic Announcement Service Management Regulations" ("Electronic Announcement Regulations") and other relevant Chinese laws and regulations Any and all provisions and shall be solely responsible for any use of your password and your account for any use of the Service and its results. Violation of the "NPC Security Decision" may constitute a crime and is investigated for criminal responsibility. The "Electronic Bulletin Regulations" have express provisions that Internet users are responsible for the published information using the electronic bulletin service system. The Telecommunications Regulations also emphasize that telecommunications users are responsible for the content and consequences of transmitting information using telecommunications networks. In any event, if the Website has reason to believe that any of your actions, including but not limited to any of your statements and other conduct, violates or may violate any of the above laws and regulations, this website may terminate the service to you at any time without prior notice.
6, user content
6.1. User Content means all content (such as your information, pictures, music or other content) that is generated when the user downloads, publishes or otherwise uses the Product.
6.2. You are the sole responsible person of your User Content and you assume the risk that you or any third party will be identified as a result of your User Content Disclosure.
7, rights restrictions
You have agreed to share or otherwise use the related services in this product, and in the course of your use, you will bear all legal liabilities arising from the risks caused by the following actions:
7.1. undermine the basic principles established by the Constitution;
7.2. Endangering national security, revealing state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;
7.3. Damage to national honors and interests;
7.4. Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining national unity;
7.5. Destroy the national religious policy and promote cults and feudal superstitions;
7.6. Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetment;
7.7. Insulting or slandering others and infringing upon the lawful rights and interests of others;
7.8. Contains other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.
8. You have agreed not to engage in the following activities in this product:
8.1. Publish or share computer viruses, worms, malicious code, software that vandalizes or alters computer systems or data;
8.2. Collect information or data of other users, such as email addresses, etc., without authorization;
8.3. Malicious use of the product in an automated manner, causing excessive burden on the server or otherwise interfering with or damaging the web server and network links;
8.4. Unauthorized access to server data or communication data for this product;
8.5. Interfere with or disrupt the use of products by other users.
9, modification and termination
9.1. Modification; this agreement allows for changes. We will notify you by email if there is any material alteration to this Agreement. After the change notification, by continuing to use this product, you are aware of such changes and agree to the terms and conditions; we reserve the right to modify, retain or close any service of this product at any time without any notification; you have agreed that we do not need to modify or retain or the right to close any service of this product; You agree that we are not liable to you or a third party for any modification, retention or closure of any of the services of this product.
9.2. Termination; This Agreement is effective as of the date of your acceptance and continues to be valid in the course of your use of the Product until terminated in accordance with this Agreement; in spite of the foregoing, if you use the Product earlier than you accept this Agreement You hereby acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is at the time you accept this Agreement, and you hereby acknowledge and agree that this Agreement will be effective for the first time you use the Product, unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement; we may be legally to retain your right to use this product or this account; we will terminate this Agreement at any time for any reason, whether notified or not, including in good faith believe that you have violated our Acceptable Use Policy or other provisions of this Agreement; Not subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, we reserve the right to terminate this Agreement if the User infringes the copyright of a third party and we receive notice from the copyright owner or the legal representative of the copyright owner; once this Agreement is terminated, the rights of you to use this product are terminated. You should be aware that the termination of your product means that your user content will be removed from our activity database. We do not assume any responsibility for your termination of this Agreement, including termination of your User Account and deletion of your User Content.
Part II Privacy Policy
Special Note
1. You are welcome to use the services provided by the GPS Locator platform and the service provider (hereinafter collectively referred to as "we"), which means that you rely on the way we handle your information. We understand that this responsibility is of great importance and we have been working to protect your information and have jointly developed this GPS Locator Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy"). In this policy, “we” refers to Shenzhen Tsunami IOT Technology Co., Ltd., which is responsible for your personal information under this Privacy Policy.
2. This policy applies to us, i.e. all services provided by the Platform and the Service Provider. In the course of your use of the GPS Locator Service, we may collect and use the information you provide or about you in the method described as below, and this policy explains how we handle such information.
3. Please read and understand this policy carefully before using the GPS Locator service. When you (continue) use the GPS Locator Service, as necessary to provide products and services, you will be deemed to have read, understood and accepted the entire content of this Policy and acknowledge that we process your information in accordance with this Policy. If you do not agree with any of the policies, please stop using or accessing the GPS Locator service immediately.
4. When you register for certification, we collect the mobile number. You have the right to refuse to provide us with this information. Please understand that refusing to provide information will result in your inability to complete the registration authentication.
5. We will store your personal information which is collected and generated during the domestic operation process in the territory of the People's Republic of China. We will only retain your personal information for the period necessary to provide the purpose of the service.
6. At present, we do not not take the initiative to share or transfer your personal information to third parties. If there are other sharing or transfer of your personal information or if you need us to share or transfer your personal information to a third party, we will directly Or confirm that the third party has obtained your express consent to the above actions, in addition, we will conduct a risk assessment of the behavior of providing information externally.
7. At this time, We do not take the initiative to obtain your personal information from third parties. If you need to obtain your personal information indirectly from a third party for business development in the future, we will clearly indicate to you the source, type and scope of use of your personal information before the acquisition. For example, If the personal information processing activities required by the GPS Locator Service exceed the scope of your original consent to provide personal information to third parties, we will obtain your express consent before processing your personal information; in addition, we will also strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations and require third parties to guarantee the legality of the information they provide.
8. We will endeavor to take reasonable security measures to protect your personal information. In particular, we will use the industry's prevailing methods and the best commercial efforts to protect the security of your personal sensitive information.
9. You may access, correct, or delete your personal information through the channels listed in this policy, or you may withdraw your consent, cancel your account, and report your complaint.
This privacy policy will help you to understand the following content:
1. How do we collect and use personal information?
In the process of using the GPS Locator service, we will collect information based on the principles of legality, fairness, and necessity. The information we collect or ask you to provide will be used to: 1. Registration Authentication; when you register and log in to GPS Locator, you can create an account by phone number, we will verify your identity by sending SMS verification code, collect this information is to help you complete your registration.
2. How do we store the personal information?
Personal information store location; we currently store all personal information in China territory. During the use of the GPS Locator service, we will continuously store your personal information. When you log out and apply to delete your personal information, we will delete the corresponding information.
3. Your rights
Delete your personal information; if you need to cancel and apply to delete your personal information, you can cancel your account in the APP, or send us an email at
4. How do we protect the security of personal information?
4.1. We and our affiliates use reasonable security measures (including administrative, technical and physical security measures) to protect the information you provide and prevent unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modify, destroy or lose.
4.2. We establish specialized management systems, processes and organizations to ensure the security of information. For example, we strictly limit the scope of people accessing information, and require them to comply with confidentiality obligations and conduct audits.
4.3. We use the ever-increasing technical means to enhance the security of the software installed on your device to prevent your personal information from leaking. For example, we use encryption (e.g., SSL), de-identification, and other means to protect your personal information.
5. Amendments and Notification of the Privacy Policy
5.1. With the continuous improvement of GPS Locator services, the content of this policy may also be updated from time to time. These amendments form part of this Privacy Policy and have the same effect as this Privacy Policy. However, without your explicit consent, we will not reduce your rights under the current Privacy Policy in force.
5.2. After this policy is updated, we will issue an updated version on the GPS Locator platform and remind you of the updated content in an appropriate way before the updated terms become effective, so that you can keep up to date with the latest version of this policy.
5.3. If you continue to use the GPS Locator Service after we publish this changed policy, it means that you have fully read, understood and accepted the entire contents of this revised Policy and will use this policy in accordance with such content. If you do not agree to any of these revised policies, you should opt out of using the GPS Locator service.
How to contact us
1. Email address:
2. Address: Room 205, 2nd Floor, Block B, Kingdee Software Park, No.2 12th Keji South Road, High-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, P.R.China